Multilingual Mom on a Mission
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Tuesday, February 26, 2019
By Lady Bizness
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Jasmine (Beard) Mavoungou is a power connector driven by her passion for people and business. She is well known for building authentic and meaningful relationships and connections in Corporate America as well as within the community. 

As a Multilingual Business Strategy Consultant, she thrives in environments in which resources and human capital are scarce. She is a true gem for entrepreneurs and startups, making a way out of no way. Seemingly impossible tasks excite her and she’s stays motivated by one of her favorite mantras of many- “You only have one shot to write your life story. What’s your narrative?”


Jasmine is certified as a Greenbelt in Lean 6Sigma, Operational Customer Experience Management and holds various positions such as Regional Sales and Pricing Manager in Corporate America, VP Business Development and President-Elect of Greensboro Jaycees, President of International Association of Women, Former Board Vice Chair of Triad Adult & Pediatric Medicine and mentor and coach to various professionals and entrepreneurs in the community.


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